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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 額敏和卓

額敏和卓[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

    from-date 雍正壬子年十一月乙未
清史稿·本紀九 世宗本紀》:乙未,封吐魯番額敏和卓為輔國公。
額敏和卓(ئىمىن خوجا, 1694年 - 1777年),中國回部吐魯番魯克沁(今新疆吐魯番地區鄯善縣魯克沁鎮)人,清代第一代吐魯番札薩克,封吐魯番回部札薩克多羅郡王。額敏和卓因平定大小和卓之亂軍功而圖形紫光閣,是乾隆皇帝最為倚重的維吾爾族大臣。額敏和卓名字中的「和卓」(即火者)是人名的一部分,並不是中亞宗教領袖瑪哈圖木·阿雜木後裔之稱號「和卓」。

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Emin Khoja, also Amīn Khoja, Emin Khwaja, was a Uighur leader from Turfan who revolted against the Mongol Buddhist Dzungar Khanate in 1720, while the Dzungars under Tsewang Rabtan were being attacked by the Qing dynasty in the Dzungar–Qing Wars. Emin Khoja also submitted to the Qing. Uighur Muslims like Emin Khoja from Turfan revolted against their Dzungar Buddhist rulers and pledged allegiance to Qing China to deliver them from Dzungar Buddhist rule. The Qing eventually eliminated the Dzungars in the Dzungar genocide. Emin Khoja was "arguably the most prominent Muslim collaborator in the Qing imperial expansion into Central Asia".

Emin Khoja collaborated with the Qing against the Dzungar from 1755, contributing 300 soldiers to the Qing campaign against the Dzungars in the Ili region.

Emin Khoja also allied with the Qing to crush the Revolt of the Altishahr Khojas led by Burhan-ud-din and Khan Khoja, and drove them to Badakhshan. The Qing armies reached far in Central Asia and came to the outskirts of Tashkent while the Kazakh rulers made their submissions as vassals to the Qing.

Emin Khoja received the official nobiliary Chinese title of Fuguo gong (辅国公, "Duke Who Assists to the State"). He was left as semi-autonomous ruler of Turpan and later appointed as ruler of Yarkand in the newly created province of Nan-lu (Southern Road) in 1760.

The Emin Minaret was built by his son and successor Suleiman in 1777 in the memory of his father. It is the tallest minaret in China.

File:Turpan-minarete-emir-d07.jpg|Minaret of Turpan ruler Emin Khoja, built by his son and successor Suleiman in 1777 in the memory of his father (tallest minaret in China)

File:E Min Tower.JPG|Emin Minaret

File:Сражение_при_Ешилькуле,_1759,_уйгуры-кашкарцыvsманьчжуро-монголы-ханьцы.jpg|Emin Khoja fought alongside the Qing (right) in the repression of the Revolt of the Altishahr Khojas


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