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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 廣開土王

廣開土王[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

    from-date 永樂元年六月壬寅
    to-date 永樂二十二年十二月丙寅
好太王(374年 - 412年),又稱廣開土大王,名高談德,謚號全稱為「國岡上廣開土境平安好太王」,是高句麗第十九代君主,391年至412年在位。他是故國壤王之子。據《三國史記》,為朱蒙第十二世孫。據1961年出土的《好太王碑》記載,為大朱留王第十七世孫、鄒牟王第十九世孫。



顯示更多...: 背景   繼位和與百濟的戰爭   對遼東半島的控制   北方擴張   東南部的擴張   軼話  

Gwanggaeto the Great (374–413, r. 391–413) was the nineteenth monarch of Goguryeo. His full posthumous name means "Entombed in Gukgangsang, Broad Expander of Domain, Peacemaker, Supreme King", sometimes abbreviated to Hotaewang. His era name is Yeongnak and he is occasionally recorded as Yeongnak Taewang ("Supreme King" or "Emperor" Yeongnak). Gwanggaeto's imperial reign title meant that Goguryeo was on equal standing as an empire with the imperial dynasties in China.

Under Gwanggaeto, Goguryeo began a golden age, becoming a powerful empire and one of the great powers in East Asia. Gwanggaeto made enormous advances and conquests into: Western Manchuria against Khitan tribes; Inner Mongolia and the Maritime Province of Russia against numerous nations and tribes; and the Han River valley in central Korea to control over two-thirds of the Korean peninsula.

In regard to the Korean peninsula, Gwanggaeto defeated Baekje, the then most powerful of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, in 396, capturing the capital city of Wiryeseong in present-day Seoul. In 399, Silla, the southeastern kingdom of Korea, sought aid from Goguryeo due to incursions by Baekje troops and their Wa allies from the Japanese archipelago. Gwanggaeto dispatched 50,000 expeditionary troops, crushing his enemies and securing Silla as a de facto protectorate; he thus subdued the other Korean kingdoms and achieved a loose unification of the Korean peninsula under Goguryeo. In his western campaigns, he defeated the Xianbei of the Later Yan empire and conquered the Liaodong peninsula, regaining the ancient domain of Gojoseon.

Gwanggaeto's accomplishments are recorded on the Gwanggaeto Stele, erected in 414 at the supposed site of his tomb in Ji'an along the present-day China–North Korea border. Constructed by his son and successor Jangsu, the monument to Gwanggaeto the Great is the largest engraved stele in the world.

顯示更多...: Birth and background   Reign   Rise to power and campaigns against Baekje   Northern conquests   Southern campaigns   Death and legacy   Depiction in arts and media   Film and television   Literature   Games   Others  



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URI: https://data.ctext.org/entity/412437 [RDF]
