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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 衛出公

衛出公[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

    from-date 衛出公元年
    to-date 衛出公十二年
    from-date 衛出公十七年
    to-date 衛出公二十三年
衞出公(? - 前456年),即姬輒,為春秋諸侯國衞國君主之一,衞靈公之孫,為靈公長子蒯聵之子。蒯聵謀害靈公正妻南子事敗,出奔,靈公意圖傳位小兒子公子郢,公子郢不肯,靈公死後,公子郢主張立輒為君,登基期間為前492年。




Duke Chu of Wey (, died 469 BC) was 29th ruler of the ancient Chinese state of Wey. He ruled the duchy twice: the first time between 493 BC and 481 BC, the second time between 477 BC and 470 BC. His given name was Zhé (輒).

Zhé was the son of Kuǎikùi, whom was the heir apparent to the throne. Kuǎikùi was at odds with the Duchess Nan Zi (南子) and fled to Jin, but Zhé stayed in Wey.

In 493 BC, Duke Ling of Wey died. Though Duchess Nanzi (南子) wanted to enthrone her son Prince Yǐng (公子郢), but Yǐng refused the proposition. Instead, Yǐng recommended Zhé as the successor. Consequently, Zhé succeeded Duke Ling and was known as Duke Chu of Wey. Supported by Jin, his father Kuǎikùi attempted a comeback. However, in the same year, with the help of Qi, Duke Chu laid siege to his father. Since then, the father and son became enemies.

Confucius was at least a partial witness to the ensuing family melodrama, it broke his heart. According to the Analects, Confucius hinted that he would support neither Duke Chu nor Kuǎikùi. In another dialogue with Zhong You, Confucius said if he was a governor of Wey, he would consider "rectifying names" (正名) as the first thing to be done.

Duke Chu was deposed by his father in 480 BC, the latter was known as Duke Zhuang II of Wey. He fled to Lu, later, he returned with the armed assistance of Qi and restored in 477 BC.

Duke Chu was overthrown by his uncle Qián in 470 BC, the latter was known as Duke Dao of Wey. He fled to Song then to Yue to seek for help. In the next year, he returned with the joint expedition of Yue, Lu and Song, however, he dare not enter the capital. He died in Yue.


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URI: https://data.ctext.org/entity/592450 [RDF]
