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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 衛康叔

衛康叔[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

衞烈祖康叔(? - ?),姓,名,又被稱為康叔封,是周武王的同母弟,獲武王封畿內之康國。



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Shu of Wey–Kang or Kang-shu of Wey (衛康叔 Wei Kang shu|l=Royal Uncle of Wey–Kang), Shu Feng of Kang (康叔封 Kang-shu Feng|l=Feng, Royal Uncle of Kang), also known as given name Feng (封), Temple name Liezu (烈祖) was a Zhou dynasty feudal lord and the founder of the state of Wey. He was the ninth son of Ji Chang. Feng was also the full-brother of King Wu of Zhou, Duke of Zhou, Shu Zhenduo of Cao and Gao the Duke of Bi.

Shu Feng was at first the lord of Kang (康). After Rebellion of the Three Guards, Shu Feng received the capital city of Shang dynasty Zhaoge as his fief. This event marked the beginning of Wey's history.

Shu Feng had a son named Mao. Mao succeeded his title and was later known as .

In 1931 CE, Shu Feng's bronze vessel Kang Hou Gui was unearthed. The vessel's inscription shows that Shu Feng was sent to Zhaoge with the purpose of pacifying the people of Shang after their defeated rebellion.

Before sending the royal uncle of Kang to Zhaoge, Duke of Zhou worried that the young brother of his might not be capable of handling a new environment. It is said that Duke of Zhou made three admonitions for Shu Feng to prevent him from any wrong-doing.

Shu Feng's state of Wey would outlive all other Chinese states during Zhou dynasty except Qin which unified China. Wey existed even after Qin's unification of the six major states.

Shu Feng's shrine was located in Qi county, Henan province. It is currently abandoned.


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