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Chinese Text Project


Seal script

Specialized semantic variant

Radical:+ 4 strokes = 5 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.57#45 Kangxi: p.77#10 Cihai: p.35r1c01 GSR: 999.k Hanyu: v1,p0015#01
Composition:Top: , bottom: . Component of: 𨸹 𨸿 𫄞 𣳎 𪢩 𬳵 𢓖 𣬾 𤇨 𤘹 [More]
Mandarin: ㄆㄧ
Tang reconstruction:pyi
Fanqie:敷悲 (《廣韻·上平聲··》)
Unihan definition:great, grand, glorious, distinguished

CTP Dictionary

ㄆㄧ (1): 大。 Large.
I see how great is your virtue, how admirable your vast achievements. The determinate appointment of Heaven rests on your person; you must eventually ascend (the throne) of the great sovereign.
ㄆㄧ (2): 奉。 Wait on, attend.
ㄆㄧ (3): 連詞:乃,於是。 Connective: thus, thereupon.
(The country of) San-wei was made habitable, and the (affairs of the) people of San-miao were greatly arranged.
ㄆㄧ (4): 語氣詞。 Modal particle.
(Moreover), where you go, seek out among (the traces of) the former wise kings of Yin what you may use in protecting and regulating their people. (Again), you must in the remote distance study the (ways of) the old accomplished men of Shang, that you may establish your heart, and know how to instruct (the people).

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