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Chinese Text Project


Seal script



Radical:+ 3 strokes = 6 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.274#38 p.391#9 Kangxi: p.223#10 Cihai: p.312r2c07 GSR: 943.i Hanyu: v1,p0418#07
Composition:Component of: 𠈚 𠡘 𭆩 𭓁 𭖘 𠱽 𢙮 𣑊 𥒒 𥩴 𫞼 𡖪 𭻟 𮔒 𨀬 𣄒 𩶦
Mandarin:zài ㄗㄞˋ
Tang reconstruction:*dzhə̌i
Fanqie:昨宰 (《廣韻·上聲··》) 昨代 (《廣韻·去聲··》)
Unihan definition:be at, in, on; consist in, rest

CTP Dictionary

zài ㄗㄞˋ (1): 存在,在世。 Exist, be alive.
The Master said, "While a man's father is alive, look at the bent of his will."
'While the parents are both alive, at their regular meals, morning and evening, the (eldest) son and his wife will encourage them to eat everything, and what is left after all, they will themselves eat. When the father is dead, and the mother still alive, the eldest son should wait upon her at her meals; and the wives of the other sons will do with what is left as in the former case. The children should have the sweet, soft', and unctuous things that are left.
zài ㄗㄞˋ (2): 處於某種位置。 Be in a certain place.
When the Master was in Chen, he said, "Let me return!"
If a prince hates disgrace, the best course for him to pursue, is to esteem virtue and honour virtuous scholars, giving the worthiest among them places of dignity, and the able offices of trust.
Guan-guan go the ospreys, On the islet in the river.
zài ㄗㄞˋ (3): 存問,問候。 Inquire after, pay one's respects to.
zài ㄗㄞˋ (4.1): 介詞:在於,由於。 Preposition: due to, being that.
Mencius said, 'The evil of men is that they like to be teachers of others.'
zài ㄗㄞˋ (4.2): 介詞:引出動作的處所、時間等。 Preposition: specifies location or time of an action - in, at.
When the Master was in Qi, he heard the Shao, and for three months did not know the taste of flesh.

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