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Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)的著作:


書籍英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation, Oxford University Press, USA (2000年7月)0195134192
書籍英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China), University of Michigan Press (1983年6月)0472100203
書籍英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Tao Te Ching on The Art of Harmony: The New Illustrated Edition of the Chinese Philosophical Masterpiece, Duncan Baird (2009年10月)1844838501
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Ancient Chinese theories of language 在"Journal of Chinese Philosophy" (1975年) 2卷 頁245-283
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy, and 'Truth,' 在"Journal of Asian Studies" (1985年) 44卷 33期 頁491-519
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Freedom and Moral Responsibility in Confucian Ethics 在"Philosophy East and West" (1972年) 22卷 頁169-186
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Linguistic skepticism in the Lao Tzu 在"Philosophy East and West" (1981年) 31卷 3期 頁321-336
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Mass nouns and 'A white horse is not a horse' 在"Philosophy East and West" (1976年) 26卷 2期 頁189-209
論文英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生) Prolegomena to Future Solutions to 'White-Horse Not Horse' 在"Journal of Chinese Philosophy" (2007年) 34卷 4期
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)A Tao of Tao in Chuang-tzu 在"Experimental Essays on Chuang-Tzu (Asian Studies at Hawaii, No. 29)" 頁24-55
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Background Theories of Language in Ancient China 在"Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China)" 頁55-99
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Confucius: The Baseline 在"A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" 頁57-94
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Han Feizi: The Ruler's Interpretation 在"A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" 頁344-376
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Kung-sun Lung and the White-Horse Paradox 在"Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China)" 頁140-172
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Laozi: Language and Society 在"A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" 頁196-232
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Mencius: The Establishment Strikes Back 在"A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" 頁153-195
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Metaphysical and Moral Transcendence in Chinese Thought 在"Two Roads to Wisdom?: Chinese and Analytic Philosophical Traditions" 頁197-228
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Methodological Reflections 在"Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China)" 頁1-29
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Mozi: Setting the Philosophical Agenda 在"A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" 頁95-152
篇章英文Hansen, Chad (陳漢生)Neo-Mohist Philosophy of Language 在"Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China)" 頁100-139

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